
Dental Care

Horse teeth differ significantly from human teeth in that they continuously erupt or grow throughout the horse’s life. As horses chew, their teeth naturally wear down, which can lead to uneven wearing, sharp points, and a loss of dental function over time.

These issues are common and can contribute to problems such as weight loss, head tossing, and in severe cases early death. To ensure optimal dental health, we recommend an annual dental examination be performed by your veterinarian.

During this exam, the veterinarian will assess whether dental treatment, such as floating, is necessary.  Our digital radiography unit can also perform dental radiographs on the farm to help diagnose and better treat our patients with complex dental diseases.

Floating is a process that involves smoothing out sharp edges and correcting uneven wear on the teeth. It is by far the most effective treatment we provide that greatly extends the lives of our equine companions. Approximately 80% of horses require annual dental floats to maintain proper dental function. For the comfort and safety of the horse, this procedure is performed under sedation using a motorized power float. Regular dental care is essential to promoting your horse’s long-term health and well-being.

Problems in the mouth can manifest in many ways. These can include performance issues, resentment of the bit, lameness, odor from the mouth, dropping food, drooling or difficulty chewing. Proper dental care will ensure that your horse’s teeth are not causing discomfort, pain or any other potential health issues.



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