Chiropractic care focuses on the relationship between the body’s primary structures—the skeleton, muscles, and nerves—and the patient’s overall health. It involves the manipulation of the vertebral column, which serves as a conduit for spinal nerves that transmit information throughout the body. By adjusting tensions and pressures in the spine, chiropractic care can influence neurologic function.
When the spine functions improperly due to misalignments, known as subluxations, it can lead to poor health or impaired function, even in areas distant from the spine and spinal cord. These misalignments can also hinder the body’s ability to adapt to its constantly changing environment. Even minor spinal dysfunctions can disrupt the normal transmission of nerve impulses, preventing affected parts of the body from functioning at their best.
Subluxations in joints are characterized by reduced mobility caused by slight positional changes in the articulating bones. This condition is known to cause pain in all animals.